Wood Decking

Product Info:

We're your headquarters for Wood Decking Products for Metro Denver and Northern Colorado.

Wood decks are strong and durable.

When choosing deck materials, strength and durability are two of the most important factors. Wood can hold a great deal of weight without coming close to buckling. The enduring strength of wood means added safety and security

A wood deck is beautiful.

Nothing compares to the natural beauty of deck made of wood. While plastic decking tries to mimic the look, it simply doesn’t compare! Wood has a rustic, naturally beautiful look that no other material can replicate.

A deck made of wood offers you the authentic elegance of the real deal. It blends into the landscape creating a relaxing and peaceful natural outdoor living environment. And over time, it ages gracefully with a character that other building materials simply cannot duplicate.

Wood decks are easy to install.

Wood is extremely easy to work with. It’s durable while still being lightweight for finished projects that are easy to install. Wood also doesn’t require any special tools. Because wood is easy to cut, saw and drill, special tools and equipment are not needed. In addition, the versatility of wood ensures that even the most complex designs are completely doable.

Cedar can bend and shape for a custom border if needed and is lightweight and easy to carry. Most contractors will agree that they love working with wood decking materials.

Wood decking is environmentally friendly.

What could be greener than wood? Wood is a natural, renewable, non-toxic product that actually absorbs carbon dioxide. Wood is more sustainable than alternative materials manufactured from non-renewable, petroleum-based sources. Unlike plastic products which may produce pollution as a byproduct and often end up in landfills, wood can be recycled throughout its useful life.

At the end of wood’s useful life, it will biodegrade and re-enter the earth from where it came, completing the life cycle. Plastics often don’t decompose and will remain in landfills indefinitely.

Find out more about these deck lumber options:

Cedar Decking Lumber

Redwood Decking Lumber

Treated Decking Lumber

More Information on Wood Decking:
Authorized Dealer

Simpson Strong-Tie DenverCAMO products DenverDeckfast Denver

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